Research and Publications

My research encompasses various aspects of black hole physics. I am particularly interested in black hole perturbation theory and questions related to the stability of the quasinormal mode spectrum of black holes. I’m also interested in the prospect of doing fundamental physics with gravitational waves. Beyond black holes and general relativity, I’m keenly interested in exploring dynamical systems, and the application of machine learning techniques in physics and vice versa.

Published Papers

Gravitational atoms in the braneworld scenario
Sunil Singh Bohra, Subhodeep Sarkar, and Anjan Ananda Sen
Phys. Rev. D 2024.

Perturbing the perturbed: Stability of quasinormal modes in presence of a positive cosmological constant
Subhodeep Sarkar, Mostafizur Rahman, and Sumanta Chakraborty
Phys. Rev. D 2023.

Can we detect a supertranslated black hole?
Subhodeep Sarkar, Shailesh Kumar, and Srijit Bhattacharjee
Phys. Rev. D 2022.

Scalar perturbations of black holes in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity
Srijit Bhattacharjee, Subhodeep Sarkar, and Arpan Bhattacharyya
Phys. Rev. D 2021.

Mass inflation and strong cosmic censorship in a nonextreme BTZ black hole
Srijit Bhattacharjee, Shailesh Kumar, and Subhodeep Sarkar
Phys. Rev. D 2020.

Please visit my INSPIRE-HEP profile for bibliometrics and a possibly updated list of papers.