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[13 Dec 2023] Preprint: Gravitational atoms in the braneworld scenario.
[01 Nov 2023] Published in PRD: Perturbing the perturbed: Stability of quasinormal modes in presence of a positive cosmological constant.
[13 Apr 2023] Preprint: Perturbing the perturbed: Stability of quasinormal modes in presence of a positive cosmological constant.
[08 Feb 2023] Joined CTP-JMI as Project Fellow under Prof. Anjan Ananda Sen
[04 Apr 2022] Published in PRD: Can we detect a supertranslated black hole?
[11 Mar 2022] Talk at IIT-GN: Testing the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture
[05 Jan 2021] Published in PRD: Scalar perturbations of black holes in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity
[18 Nov 2020] Preprint: Scalar perturbations of black holes in JT gravity
[17 Aug 2020] Published in PRD: Mass inflation and strong cosmic censorship in BTZ black hole
[21 May 2020] Preprint: Mass inflation and strong cosmic censorship in BTZ black hole